Part 2: The research of purpose.
It is a curious thing that we must first examine the purpose of research in order to better understand the research of purpose. This is because I will present evidence over the course of these writings that our current research methods are not designed to research human concepts such as “purpose” insofar as purpose might be unique to each person.
If the purpose of scientific research is to better predict events, to better predict behavior, to reach generalities about the world around us, then we are at quite a conundrum if we want to use these tools to understand something that is unique to each person. The danger to the scientist lies in an idea that emerges over time, in this case, over several generations: the advances of science in improving our world conditions are so overarching that the tools of science are all that are needed. An insularity gradually forms, that eventually allows the scientist to conclude that nothing exists but that which can be studied by research.
A closed loop takes shape, which becomes dangerous to scientists and academics. If science hasn’t studied it, it must not exist.
Could this explain why we have so few studies of purpose? To some, purpose does not exist. Indeed, we have a powerful group of scientists who are arguing that God could not possibly exist. I will call this the Great Delusion, and as we will see later, it is based on one single assumption.
If this is the purpose of research, how could we possibly research purpose?And if we take this stance, how does it affect the outcome of our studies? What effect does this assumption have on our theory and practice? What effect does this have on the lives of those students who must master the textbooks and techniques derived from this research?
To consider these questions is the mission of Purpose Research.